Technical Software Development
The design and optimization of flow and thermodynamic processes can ideally be based on known solutions to physical equations, empirical values and design guidelines. In industrial practice, however, this ideal situation is not always the case. To optimize processes and systems, cost-intensive series of tests are often necessary, which are often only possible on a smaller scale. Transferring the results to the real system is associated with the risk of production downtime and quality losses.
In this situation, tailor-made simulation tools are an important instrument for predicting the impact of changes to processes, designing new processes or carrying out standard designs. To ensure that such tools find their way into everyday engineering practice and can deliver results quickly and without great effort, the motto for development is: "As simple as possible and as complex as necessary".
DrS3 offers complete solutions in this area: from the mathematical-physical modeling of fluid mechanics and thermodynamic processes to the programming implementation in the languages C++ and FORTRAN and the programming of the graphical front end.
DrS3 has so far developed software tools for the following process engineering problems:
Stationary and transient operating behavior of tunnel kilns in the ceramic industry
Simulation of the propagation of flame fronts in pipe systems
“Slug flow” in oil pipelines