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CFD simulations

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the computer-aided solution of the basic flow and thermodynamic equations (Navier-Stokes equations). This method represents an efficient alternative to lengthy and costly experiments. The application of the method requires in-depth knowledge of both applied numerical mathematics and fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.

Since the method includes model assumptions regarding the phenomenon of flow turbulence and this phenomenon occurs in most industrial flow processes, in addition to the knowledge mentioned, a high level of experience is necessary to generate high-quality CFD results.

For all these reasons, CFD is more than the familiar “colorful” images, which is why DrS3 deliberately avoids these representations on the webpage.

As a member of the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC), DrS3 benefits from a network of university institutes and companies that carry out CFD simulations and make the knowledge gained regarding the calculation quality available to the partners in the network.

DrS3 has so far carried out CFD simulations for its customers in the following areas, among others:

  • Calculation of heat transfer coefficients in counterflow heat exchangers

  • Wind load calculation on buildings and industrial facilities

  • Calculation and optimization of hall ventilation

  • Analysis of Film Flows

  • Calculation and Optimization of Small Hydropower Plants

The following program systems are used:

  • ANSYS CFX, ICEM, ANSYS DesignModeler, OpenFOAM

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